Saturday, November 28, 2015

Chemistry guides for +2 students

(for 12th grade)
HI +2 appearing students this blog will help you for your good grades in exam for those who are appearing  this years.
Our chem is divided into three groups;
1-physical chemistry-
2-Organic chemistry-
3-inorganic chemistry-

Aja hami organic ko chapter tarfa janxau kinaki yo lastai jhyau raw garo xa ;
At first yesko imp topic haru
1-Aromatic Hydrocarbons
2-Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
3-Alcohols and Phenols
  -Aliphatic ethers
  -Aromatic ethers 
5-Aldehydes and Ketones
6-Carboxylic acid
7-Nitro compounds
8-Amino compounds
9-Molecules of life
10-Chemistry in service to mankind

Aja ko topics chai  Aromatic Hydrocarbons;

 important questions from this topics are---
1- How would you prepare benzene from..
    ii=sodium benzoate
2- state huckles rule for aromaticity.
3-write resonance hybrid structure of arene containing meta director and ortho director saubstituents    of each.
4- why is benzene called aromatic compound according to huckles rule?
5-what happens when:
    -sodium benzoate is heated with soda lime
    -phenol is heated with zinc dust
6-How would you obtain benzene from
   -sodium benzoate
7-write notes on -
   -fridel crafts alkylation
   -fridel crafts acylation

Answer will be in next post
stick around :D


  1. do you have guide of alcohol, phenol and ether too? If then please post it.
