Aja ko topics chai Haloalkane;
important questions from this topics are---
Very short ques....--
1-a haloalkane @ reacts with aq.Naoh to give isopropyl alcohol.what major product would you get when @ is heated with Na in presense of dry ether?
2-give the major products in the following questions:
i= Br
| Na/ether
ii= LiAlH4
3-Give the IUPAC name of X and Y in the following reactions.
4-Starting from idomethane,how would you prepare:
i)ethane ii)ethene
5-write down the structure of secondary haloalkane of c3H7X.
What happens when the secondary haloalkane is heated with Na in presense of dry ether ?
6-Give the IUPAC name of X and Y in the following reactions.
7-Convert 1-bromopropane to 2- bromopropane.
8-convert 1-chloropropane to 2- chloropropane
9-Identify the major product A and B in the following reations:
Mg H20
10- Identify the major product A and B in the following reations:
alc.KOH i) O3 ii)(Zn/H20)
11-What happens when chlorofom is heated with silver powder?
12-Write the avction of monohydroxy benzene with chloroform in presense of alc.NaOH.
13-A primary haloalkane(X),if allowed to reacts with KCN yields a compounds (Y),which on hydrolysis give propanoic acids.
Identify X and Y.
14-Convert bromoethane into ethyne.
15-Why does chloroform not give white precipitate with silver nitrate?
16-Give uses of chloroform.
17- why is chloroform stored in a dark brown bottle?
1-Describe laboratory method of preperation of chloroform.How does chloroform reacts with acetone?
2- Give the chemical reactions for the preparation of chloroform from ethanal.what happens when it is heated with silver powder?
3-How would you obtain:
a)ethane from bromoethane
b)ethyne from chloroform
4-Give reation to convert A into ethanoic acid.
5- write ANY three methods of preparations of Iodoethane.What happens when Idoethane is heated with
i)Sodium in present of dry ether
6-Starting from chloroform,how would you prepare:
i)ethyne ii)methane iii)chlopropicrin iv)carbonyl chloride v)chloretone
7-Describe the lab preparation of ethyl iodide from ethyl alcohol and PI3 or red phosphorous and iodine.
8-what happens when chloroform is allowed to react with NaOH solution?
Important questions are;;;
a)lab p[reparation of chloroform
b)Inductive effects
c)wurtz reactions
d)markkovnikoffs rule
ans will be in next post
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